Winner of Scandinavian Outdoor Reward
Text from mountainblog.eu HARDWARE ACCESSORY AWARD:
ZlideOn/ZlideOn ZlideOn is a patented solution that helps to fix broken zippers. The old zipper is easy to replace, and the durability of that damaged jacket, pack, sleeping bag or shoe is extended. The focus on the environmental impact of the textile industry is increasing. The simplicity to repair the zippers with a ZlideOn helps people to use their textiles longer and save the environment.
Statement from the jury: Broken zippers are one of the main reasons why products fail over time. Now the Swedish company ZlideOn offers a fast way to exchange broken sliders. The replacement slider offers an innovative opening mechanism that allows it to be clipped onto the old zip. The guide on the webpage helps to find the right version that is needed. »Finally someone has come up with a solution to easily fix broken zipper sliders«, one jury member says.
Read more on https://scandinavianoutdooraward.com/